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Old 18-07-2015, 09:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
stuart noble stuart noble is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 806
Default trees in the park

On 18/07/2015 15:41, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 14:55:03 +0100, stuart noble

On 18/07/2015 14:40, Pam Moore wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 14:24:20 +0100, stuart noble

On 18/07/2015 12:56, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 11:41:03 +0100, stuart noble

Every time I stroll round a London park I'm frustrated by not knowing
the names of the trees, particularly those that have obviously been
around for ever. There is one in flower in St.James Park at the moment
which everyone was stopping to admire (and smell). These days one might
expect there to be a plan of such things online. Sure, in this case it
would mostly be plane, but there are some unusual ones too. Anyone any
ideas how one might get this information? TIA

GIYF. Try one of these. or
or or

Thanks, but kind of irrelevant to the question

You want to know what the trees are. Chris gave you two sites to help

The Royal Parks Dept presumably know what the trees are. My question was
whether such information is available to the public. Why would it not
be? Perhaps it's a state secret

To me it looks like you need a sort of Google Earth with tree name.
I've just tried zooming in to St.James Park and it is possible to see
individual trees. Perhaps somebody should start labeling them. Have a
look at St.James Park and tell us which tree you want to know about?
Someone in this group may be able to recognise and identify it from


Thanks for taking the trouble to zoom. As it happens the little Google
car has been along all the paths in the park, so some decent images may
yet be available in Street View. A fascinating virtual tour of the park.