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Old 18-07-2015, 12:34 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris French Chris French is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2009
Posts: 22
Default Titan Multi-tool - Screwfix Deal - Is Titan Kit Quality Stuff ?

In message , CocoGibbo
I'm seriously thinking of purchasing this - any comments ?

I bought one of those last year, and it has been fine. still starts ok,
nothing has broken and it all still works. Attachments seem reasonably
easy to change, not to fiddly. Obviously, if you need to be doing it to
often you should probably look at separate tools. Harness is basic but
functional, seems reasonably well balance when used as strimmer/brush

I don't think it's really a deal though, it seems to be what it sells
for for most of the time. But I think it's good value for £150. I'm
happy with mine.

However it is a budget tool (relatively) and as is common bear a couple
of things in mind.

1. QC seems to often be a bit suspect - hence the disparate reviews I
think. Most are ok, but some get through that just seem a bit crap. But
Screwfix are good at replacing stuff.

2. You probably won't get spares for anything that isn't generic - if it
breaks you'll need to look at getting it replaced.
Chris French