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Old 11-07-2015, 10:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
alan_m alan_m is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2014
Posts: 131
Default Plastic Garden Sheds - Does Anyone Have Experience of Them ?

On 11/07/2015 11:30, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:

I had a plastic shed at my last but one house. I remember it being a
bit difficult to assemble and looked "out of place" until it got
weathered. It cost less than a similar sized wooden shed. So far as I
know it's still at the same place I left it.

I purchased a small one around 15+ years ago. It is the type with
corrugated plastic green sheet bolted with nylon bolts to an internal
aluminium angle frame. It's around 2 metres long x 1 metre wide x 2
metres high. It came as a flat pack and as mentioned above it was very
'fiddly' and time consuming to erect. It has served well but now the
plastic is becoming brittle and any knock will puncture it. It now has a
few repairs with waterproof duct tape.

I was concerned that it was light weight and a strong gale may have
dislodged it so after I had erected it I put down a thick plastic sheet
(as used for a damp membrane under solid floors) and poured in a couple
of inches of concrete which holds down the bottom edge of the aluminium
frame and provides a solid floor.

Its also worth considering putting in some wooden battens while being
constructed so that you have something into which you can install wall
hooks for tool storage etc.

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