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Old 11-07-2015, 09:20 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Mouse in worm bin

"Adam Funk" wrote ...

We've had a mouse living in our worm bin for a few weeks (I've seen it
dancing around on top of the heap when I tip stuff in).

The bin is the open-bottomed "dalek" type. I have one of those oblong
metal box mousetraps with two one-way gates one side & two spring
traps inside, arranged so that a "flag" is visible through the top
when a trap's been sprung. I originally put this down under a nearby
wall of the shed (the shed walls have ventilation gaps of 40 to 50
mm), assuming that the mouse would run that way; after a while, I
moved it under the wall closest to the worm bin.

I now wonder if the mouse is living more or less permanently inside
the bin --- is that possible?

I'm reluctant to put any kind of poison in the worm bin since I use
the output in the garden & (when I'm lucky) grow something edible.

I'm seriously considering setting the trap-box on the top of the
contents of the worm bin. Is that a smart or stupid idea?

I think we have rats in ours the amount of earth that has been pushed out
the bottom. Our problem with mice is the burrowing and eating of crops,
cherries and just planted peas for example.
We also have a mole problem with them burrowing under plants so when you
water them they end up dropping down into a hole.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK