Sorry folks, I am still alive!!!
"Christina Websell" wrote in message
"Alan Holmes" wrote in message
"Spider" wrote in message
On 04/07/2015 21:30, Alan Holmes wrote:
Been having a discussion (argument) about what to compost, so what
should one compost or not?
Absolutely need an answer!
Welcome back, Alan! Nice to know you're still with us.
I have five bins at the moment and they make good compost:~)).
I compost garden waste inc. grass clippings, weeds (even perennial weeds
with the roots chopped off); lots of cardboard (not shiny printfed
stuff) and papier mache packaging, which the worms love and it breaks
down well (I find quality paper doesn't break down as quickly, but
scrunched up newspaper is fine); tea bags, despite the persisting bag;
kitchen waste (but no meat products and no fat); citrus and onion
peelings I spread thinly as my worms are a bit sniffy about them. Potato
peelings once zapped in the microwave for a minute, otherwise they
sprout and persist. I don't put bread or pastry in, as these can attract
rats, and they're better offered to birds. I occasionally put in a
sprinkle of pelleted chicken poo which seems to hurry things along
nicely. I've even been know to put ants in when they become a nuisance.
They break the compost down really well. When you want to get rid of
them, simply add lots of water which they don't like, or wait till they
die naturally as winter approaches.
It would be interesting to know what your heated discussion brought up
and villified .. and why.
Nowadays we quarell about almost everything!!
She can be VERY difficult about anything and nothing.
Who is "she"? I am also glad to see you back, Alan. I suppose it's an
easy assumption to make that if you suddenly come back to the group after
a long time having had health troubles, that it may not be you. However,
if a troll had taken over your persona, it seems to me that asking about
composting is kind of un-trolllike! New word for the next printing of
Collins English dictionary!
'She' is the BOSS the one in charge, I'm sure all men will know exactly who
I am talking about!(:-)
I'm glad to be back, but I have had a lot of health worries over a number of
years which has prevented my from doing anything that requires energy, I
have been spending most of my time sitting down and going to sleep, I have
to record everything I want to see on the TV as I frequently go to sleep
just after the programme starts, but as I am watching the recording I can
just rewind, these video recorders are a godsend, couldn't live without one,
or two in my case!