Originally Posted by Hypatia Nachshon
I am hurrying to get City rebate for removing lawn before they run out of money.
The curse of this street is horrible tree that sheds needles, sharp seeds, and sap, and obscures plantings. Everybody hates them. City will not remove.
My neighbor took out his grass and spread mulch, but his new "lawn" is immediately covered with needles. It looks awful as he knew going in.
Needles cannot be removed from mulch with blower. I just spent an hour cleaning out my beds by hand.
To the point: I am considering either pebbles or gravel with a few drought-adapted large plants. Yes I know...
I THINK one could blow needles off pebbles. Could one do it off gravel?
Pebbles more expensive than gravel?
Any experience/advice gratefully received,
I don't think gravel or pebbles is the right way to go. Personally, I think slabs would look better and it wouldn't make garden look messy. If not, then consider artificial grass as that would still give the "lawn" look but would be easily taken care of if any needles did fall. It would further stop and of the problems that you are having with your "lawn" at the minuet.
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