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Old 06-07-2015, 01:43 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Alan Holmes[_5_] Alan Holmes[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2012
Posts: 47
Default What to Compost

"Roger Tonkin" wrote in message
In article ,

paper or cardboard (both of which go for recycling), although in
principle there's no reason why these last two shouldn't be composted.

Monty Don, mentioned a few years ago, that he adds a greater % of
cardboard / paper, than I would ever had imagined, but always willing
to have a go, I tried adding every scrap of corrugated cardboard and
shredded paper, I had (possibly 25%) , and have never had such good
It rots quicker.

No one seems to have mentioned grass clipping (except perhaps
as garden waste). They can be a problem if there is too much of
it in the heap with nothing else. If I've got a lot of grass, I
tend to intersperse sheets of newspaper every 2-3 inches of
depth, seems to stop the soggy mess/mass that can occur. By the
way, I do not shred the paper, as per some "experts", just use
it as sheets.

Thanks very much for that, I would never have thought of using paper, but
will do so from now on in the grass bin.


Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales