Sorry folks, I am still alive!!!
On 04/07/15 21:30, Alan Holmes wrote:
Been having a discussion (argument) about what to compost, so what stuff
should one compost or not?
Absolutely need an answer!
Avoid weed bulbs (Spanish bluebell, muscari, some alliums, etc) unless
you crush them first. Avoid roots of deep-seated weeds like bindweed.
Avoid long-lived weed seeds such as poppies. It might be possible to
compost all of these if they are buried deep enough and the compost heap
gets hot enough.
Woody branches can be composted if they are shredded first and you are
prepared to wait longer than for composting green plant material. In
fact, a shredder is a useful adjunct to composting - it will speed up
the composting of most leaves.