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Old 01-07-2015, 09:32 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2013
Posts: 128
Default Rhubarb query No. 2

In article , lalaw44 says...

JIP's enquiry about rhubarb reminded me ... how to split a rhubarb plant
to make new plants (and when?)?

Our plant is 20 years old, and just goes on year after year. I have a
couple of friends who are always thrilled to get rhubarb off me, and I
thought it'd be nice to give them their own plant.

Wait till winter when the leaves have all died down; then use a sharp
spade and strong foot to slice/lever off root sections from the edge of
the mother plant.
Given how long a rhubarb patch lives, it's well worth making some
effort to give the offsets a good home. Dig a BIG hole, minimum of 3ft
wide and 2 deep, and throw in a layer of as much organic mater as you
can lay hands on; preferably the sort that will decompose slowly. Such
as, road kill, bones from dinner or butcher, old leather, old woolen
jumpers, seashells, seaweed, egg shells, weeds, feathers from old
pillows, and manure. Finish with soil (or home made compost) into which
you plant the rhubarb root.
