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Old 29-06-2015, 02:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default Please advise on these apple trees

On 29/06/2015 12:06, AL_n wrote:
David Hill wrote in news:cvb7a9Frbt2U1

If you are wanting an apple tree that's 12 to 13 ft tall then I'd start
again and get a tree from a reputable grower this Autumn and take his
advice on which rootstock you should have.
I think you could still be waiting for your present tree to make that
height in 10 years time.

Yes - that had occurred to me. The tree could also be in a slightly
different position, so getting a new tree would seem a sensible option.
I've also heard that orange cox pippins can be disease-prone.

Why did you suggest Autumn for buying a nw tree in particular?


It's actually Cox's Orange Pippin
They have a chart showing the height with different rootstock.
You will have to have at least one other apple tree as a pollinator if
you chose Cox.
Buying in the winter you get a dormant tree that is sent bare rooted or
root wrapped, You will get a top grade tree which will make new roots
after planting before it starts to grow new leaves.
Brows their web site, it has plenty of good info and advice.
David @ a sunny side of Swansea Bay.