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Old 28-06-2015, 11:29 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default Please advise on these apple trees

On 28/06/2015 21:01, AL_n wrote:
Spider wrote in news:cv7j85Ft7q2U1

Hi Alan,

re Q1: You appear to have an apple on very dwarfing rootstock, so
you're never going to have a truly tall tree, so I hope that's not the
plan. If you want to shape the tree, the best thing you can do at the
moment is to accept the strong and (more-or-less) central stem as your
leader (the main trunk, as it were). Without piercing the rootstock,
put in a tall stake in line with that leader, then tie in the stem to
help straighten it up. Don't forget the ties are there - I've seen

trees critically damaged because a tie wasn't loosened in time!
You may also, if you wish, trim back the lower side branches *but do

remove them*; just tip them back a little. If you know the varietal
name of your apple, then check whether it is tip or spur bearing, as
this will inform the way you prune it forever. If you cut a tip-

tree back too hard, you will remove all the fruiting wood for that

so it's quite important. Spur-bearers are easier to prune and the
chances are this is what you have. Worth checking though.

re Q2: I'm not sure what the lesions are on your apple leaves, but the
tree does look generally healthy, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just
keep an eye on it. In autumn, all the leaves will fall anyway so, if

have any doubts about disease or pests then make sure you remove all

fallen leaves promptly to prevent reinfection of the tree.
It may just be that your tree is stressed with the droughty weather
we're (*I'm*!) having, so give it plenty of water.

I confess I'm frantically busy at the moment, but will try and learn
what that leaf problem is - not least because I have a crab apple which
may suffer similar problems in the future.

It would help your tree hugely if you could clear the grass away from
the base of the tree. A 3ft/1mtr circle of clear ground around the base
of the trunk is recommended. The grass and weeds are currently
competing for water and food, so are substantially adding to the stress
of your tree.

Hope this helps.
On high ground in SE London
gardening on heavy clay

Spider, my dear! Nice to know you are still around! (You've given me some
good advice in the past! In the absence of a reply to my post (until now)
I went ahead and used my own jusdgement and pruned off the lower branches
(completely). Now I read your post which advises otherwise! I'm not
concerned with fruit this year, I just want to encourage the tree to grow
taller rather than wide. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost the original
packaging. The sapling was from Asda. I do recall it's an orange cox
pippin. I think you are probably right that it is a dwarf, but if I can
get it to grow four metres tall, that's all I need. It seems to grow
about 6" to a foot each year so far. I need it for shade rather than for
fruit. I'm hoping that having removed the lower branches, all the
growing-power coming from the roots will be diverted into the leader.
(Not sure if that's how it works, but that's what I was banking on!)

Many thanks for your other suggestions. You are very helpful as always.

-Al (also gardening on heavy clay, but not in S.E. London any more...)!

If you are wanting an apple tree that's 12 to 13 ft tall then I'd start
again and get a tree from a reputable grower this Autumn and take his
advice on which rootstock you should have.
I think you could still be waiting for your present tree to make that
height in 10 years time.