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Old 28-06-2015, 07:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Paul Giverin Paul Giverin is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2015
Posts: 2
Default Is this annual meadow grass?

Hi, long time since I've popped into u.r.g

I had my rear lawn relaid in April as the old one was over 30 years old,
worn out and lots of builders rubble underneath. I used a local firm to
do the work and I was very happy with their standard of work. The
prepared the site well and didn't skimp in any way.

The lawn really established quickly and the contractor carried out the
first cut after 4-5 weeks. After that it became apparent that there were
many patches of course grass (about 40-50% of the lawn). The contractor
agreed that there was a problem and arranged a visit from the turf
supplier (a large reputable company). He said that some of the grass had
gone to seed early due to weather conditions when it was laid. He said
it would get better and supplied some fertiliser normally used on golf

Unfortunately the lawn hasn't really improved and I need to take things
further. The contractor couldn't have been more helpful and its
unfortunate that I will have to pursue him rather than the turf supplier
but I'm hopeful that something can be sorted out before then.

I'm trying to get as much info on the problem as I can. I'm thinking
that the areas of course grass are Poa annua or annual meadow grass.
I've put some photos of it on my Flickr account and I would be most
grateful if you could give your opinions.