Many thanks to all for your help.
"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote in message
On 25/06/2015 15:42, Dave Moore wrote:
A photo of the flower can be found he
Does anyone have any thoughts?
"Dave Moore" wrote in message
A flower has appeared in my garden which appears to be a Sea Holly.
However, the flower is red, and all other examples I've seen online are
Does anyone know if a red Sea Holly does in fact exist, or could it be
another plant, resembling the Sea Holly?
Thank you for any help.
As has already been noted, it's a scabious (Dipsacaceae) not a sea-holly
(Apiaceae). It might be Knautia macedonica or it might be Scabiosa
atropurpurea. When the flowers open you can the number of petals. (That
distinguishes Knautia arvensis from Scabiosa columbaria, and I assume also
distinguihes Knautia macedonica from Scabiosa atropurpurea.)