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Old 24-06-2015, 09:19 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris French Chris French is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2009
Posts: 22
Default cheap but powerful patch weedkiller?

In message , AL_n
David Hill wrote in news:cut0eiFr57qU1

How do you know how much you need till you know the dilution rate?
What are you trying to kill?

I was not aware of the dilute factor. The only stuff I have bought in the
past was ready-diluted.

Ah, now that is an expensive way to buy weedkiller. It's much cheaper to
buy the concentrate and dilute it.

I want to kill (thoroughly) all vegetation that eppears on a stretch of
gravel driveway, with as little effort and expense as possible.

Until a few years ago, you could use Sodium Chlorate for this. It would
persist in the soil and prevent regrowth of new weeds. But that was

There are alternatives (e.g Bayer Long lasting Ground Clear), but as
someone else has said they aren't as effective at stopping the growth of
new plants. You could however try this.

As was also said, your best bet is probably just good old Glyphospate.
It is an effective weed killer, it is translocated around the plant so
kills the roots as well. Some tough plants might need more than one
application. However it won't stop the germination of new seeds, so some
weeds will eventually return and it will need retreating.

How big an area are we talking? f you only have a smallish area then
buying it from a garden centre isn't so bad, though relatively
expensive ,but the cheapest way is to buy 5L of the concentrate or
whatever - 5L of 360g/L concentrate from Ebay can be had for about
£25-30. at a 10ml/L dilution that will provide 500L of weedkiller, but
you can keep the concentrate for ages..

A sprayer with a wand is best as you can then easily just treat the
weeds and not waste it on bare gravel soil etc.
Chris French