Glyophosphate and Braken
On 20/06/2015 08:16, Martin Brown wrote:
On 19/06/2015 21:09, Roger Tonkin wrote:
Had some bracken coming up between a waal and a fence, so
attacked it with glyo.. However, it does not appear willing to
die! All the other weeds nearby that were sprayed are dead or
dying, but the bracken still seems healthy.
Does glyo work on bracken? or am I just being impatient (it was
about 10 days or so ago that it was sprayed)
It does eventually but you are a bit optimistic about the timing. Needs
two to three weeks if you use it on something that tough to kill.
And it may require additional effort later in the season or even next
year. I doubt if a single shot will exhaust the energy stored in the
root system even if it apparently kills all the top growth.
There are specific bracken weedkillers although I am not sure if any are
licensed for amateur use.
If you read up on it, then you use Glyphosate (Roundup) in the bracken
once it is mature and is starting to take food down to develop next
years rootstock. So that's August time.