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Old 16-06-2015, 01:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Michael Uplawski Michael Uplawski is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2014
Posts: 138
Default Transplanting Carrots

Good afternoon, all.

I read all the messages in this thread and are still waiting for a
definite statement. Unfortunately, carrots are a sensible subject in
Normandy and I cannot make my own experience this year (I may, next
year and tell you about it).

On Tue, 2 Jun 2015 22:53:43 +0100,
Roger Tonkin wrote:
Whilst in Homebase this afternoon, I wandered around the garden

If so how do Homebase justify selling them like

My question is a different one: Why doesn't any of you actually ask them
? If there is something to gain from the communication with so-called
experts, we should by all means hear them.

On the other hand, “experience is the enemy of the better“ (myself
june 2015) and „Experience is nothing! You can do things the wrong way
for 35 years.“ (Kurt Tucholsky, around 1928).

Location: Lower Normandy (Orne), France
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