Gate made of hedge?
"Charlie Pridham" wrote
"Tough Guy no. 1265" wrote in message
Has anyone has ever made a gate out of hedge? It should be possible to
have a long thin plantpot containing the hedge, which could then be
Life is sexually transmitted
It would need a substantial gate post that was braced well as the leverage
from the weight of soil in the container would be great, and I think the
frame for the actual gate would have to be of metal rather than wood for
the same reason, but in theory you could do it.
I would suggest a wheel on the opening side of the gate to take some of the
weight. Neighbour had a large wrought iron gate fitted, farm gate length,
and it has broken the brick pillar despite that having reinforcing down the
middle. A wheel would have stopped that problem happening!
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK