Flowering Cymbidiums
On 13/06/2015 08:07, Bob Hobden wrote:
"Pam Moore" wrote
"Bob Hobden" wrote:
Went down to McBeans today to get some compost and whilst there Sue
up a couple of their "How to grow" leaflets, one on cymbidiums.
We have talked on URG about the requirement for a temperature
a reasonable night drop in temperature, as the key to initiate flower
production which is normally obtained by putting the plants outside
for the
summer to early autumn.
However it also says in very bold print " To help flower spike
do not give any fertiliser during July" which is not something I've
It goes on to talk about plants in spike and says " It's very
important that
the night temperature falls below 15°C (58°F) when the flower buds are
developing otherwise they may drop off prematurely"
Sue also picked up some superb condition large Phalaenopsis "luck dip"
plants out of spike for £5 each, too good to miss.
That's useful info Bob.
My cymbidium which flowered this Spring for the first time in 15
years, has an new spike with buds just about to open so it must like
where I've put it.
It's completely filling its pot and I feel I need to repot it up one
size. Any suggestions when is the best time to do it?
I'm afraid it will stop flowering if I pot it on.
Most would say it's too late for this year already but it's been such a
slow start to the year I intend to repot mine now but no later, they
don't seem to mind being more than a bit pot bound anyway. Unusual to
have one in flower now but it's has been a strange year, two of mine
have flowers only just going over.
I have 2 I need to re pot and I may well do the others at the same time.
Mine are all pushing out new shoots, growth not flower.
It's just finding time to do it.
I'd enjoy the flowers first then re pot.