"Martin Brown" wrote in message
On 12/06/2015 11:33, Charlie Pridham wrote:
"Michael Uplawski" wrote in message
Good evening.
Have you an idea, what could attract more polinisating insects ? I
already try sugared water but cannot claim that anybody were
interested in it.
[Oh, now I get photographed from above]. Okay, I will have to disconnect
my equipment and turn off the current.
Anything yellow normally works so either grow some annual yellow
flowered plants or use the bright yellow stuff they use for sticky traps
but obviously without the sticky!
The bad news is that yellow won't just attract the good pollenating
insects and at this time of year it will attract all the horrid little
beetles that infested the bright yellow oilseed rape crop flowers too.
Martin Brown
You are just being picky now :~)
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs