Lynx reintroduction
On Thu, 28 May 2015 04:17:38 +0100, Christina Websell wrote:
I believe you. I was in Germany with wild boars, and the best thing to
do is high tail it out of there if you hear them approaching. Normally
they are shy, but sometimes the old boys are not and can be quite
dangerous. There are so many wild boar in Lower Saxony that there are
wooden towers in the fields so the farmers can shoot them from above
because they destroy their crops.
Miradors are commonly used in France (and I should imagine elsewhere in
Europe) as hunting platforms. The forests around here are full of them,
as are some fields.
We have boars that work the earth within tens of meters from the house.
They frequently come into the garden to eat berries and windfall. If what
you said were accurate, folks would be afraid to go out!
Gardening in Lower Normandy