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Old 17-05-2015, 12:56 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Malcolm Ogilvie Malcolm Ogilvie is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2015
Posts: 19
Default Lynx reintroduction

On Sat, 16 May 2015 17:47:19 +0100, Janet wrote:

In article ,

"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message
In article ,
Chris Hogg wrote:

Let's take one example: there is no room. Lynx are shy, solitary,
woodland hunters which prey on shy, solitary, woodland deer, and
(where present) have the effect of replacing some of the deer with
lynx. So it's obvious nonsense, and can be seen to be so by simple
data searches.

No, not nonsense. The arguments against the introduction of lynx were
not strong, I'll readily agree, and in fact I found your
counter-arguments quite persuasive. But the arguments against its
introduction were not hysterical. To describe them as such is 'ad
hominem' and ill befits a academic such as yourself.

As I point out above, the argument that there is no room for them
IS nonsense, pure and simple. They would merely displace some of
the existing deer.

What deer? The only deer here are enclosed in Bradgate Park.

The most recent population estimates
for Scotland suggest overall numbers of between
360,000-400,000 red deer,
200,000-350,000 roe deer,
25,000 sika deer
and an estimated 2,000 fallow deer

England and Wales hold over 1 million making an estimated total for
the UK of 2 million.