Thread: At war
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Old 13-05-2015, 11:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stephen Wolstenholme[_5_] Stephen Wolstenholme[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2014
Posts: 250
Default At war

On Wed, 13 May 2015 08:41:07 +0100, Pam Moore

Years ago I took part in an anti-slug trial for the Organic Gardening
magazine and was given a roll of copper tape. I had to put 2 strips,
one above the other, round pots. The day I found a slug on the side of
a pot between the two strips I gave up on that idea.
I've since discovered that the strips need to be close enough so that
the slug touches both strips as it crawls up and thus gets the
electric shock. I have not tried this however!

On a plastic or ceramic pot you need copper tape and steel tape. That
works like a battery cell and produces a tiny electric shock. I use a
similar method to stop squirrels stealing from the bird feeder. The
pole is metal and so sticking copper strips every few inches from top
to bottom produces a few volts. Most squirrels climb up the pole but
change their minds before they get up the bird feeder. There is also a
big plastic disc (LP) to get in their way if they manage to get over
the electrics. There is just one squirrel who can jump onto the feeder
from high up a nearby tree. It's so good to watch that I allow it a
few peanuts!


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