Thread: At war
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Old 12-05-2015, 07:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Michael Uplawski Michael Uplawski is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2014
Posts: 138
Default At war

Good evening.

I come in from the garden and the slug problem will occupie me during
the coming weeks.

On Tue, 12 May 2015 13:50:21 +0200,
Charlie2 wrote:

I wish hedgehogs were around here I'd make a couple of hides for them
to winter and they would cure my problem

Not certain. You would need many hedgehogs, not because the would not
like your slugs, but because each hedghog manages an impressively big
territory. It does serve you every now and then, when it passes by your
garden. You can make it stay a little longer by spreading some dry cat
and dog food, but that would also be a little counter-productive, I

Used to have a toad he/she's gone too.

We got many toads and I still wait to see one eat a slug. They appear to
give precedence to flying insects, though. One of them will be waiting
each evening outside our glazed door, as it knows for two or three
seasons already, that there will be flies on the pane... so it waits. We
leave and enter, the toad just sits there, getting fatter I don't know
how. The winter was not too hard, I believe it will return now.

Opt for the Feramol pellets. I do and even accept the quarrels with my
wife about that. Feramol-Slugs disappear quickly with etarnal
indigestion and thus will hardly be a risk to the other animals who
would eat them. I do not give much, though, for the slogans.

What I *want* to do against the slugs is, present them on an elevated
device to the birds. As soon as I have improved my first design, that
allowed too many slugs to escape, I hope to train the birds by keeping
the installation at the always same place... and yes. By refilling it
manually. Nothing is perfect.


Thanks Bob

Location: Lower Normandy (Orne), France
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