Heaps under trees - is this an old wives' tale?
Having recently created a new border in the grass area, I had a load of
turf to pile up. Finding nowhere else suitable in the garden, I made the
heap under an old cherry tree - I guess it's about 2 or 3 yards from the
trunk. The tree is about 100 years old I'd guess: going on for 2 foot
across the trunk.
A neighbour popped by and said I shouldn't do this: the heap will change
the soil level for the tree's feeding roots (and so will the compost
heap beside it), and ultimately this will kill the tree.
I'd never heard this before. I will move the heaps, but I just wondered
if there's any informed wisdom on the topic in the group.
BTW the neighbour doesn't have any interest in the tree -- he was giving
friendly advice.