On Sat, 02 May 2015 22:45:30 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:
Interesting reintroduction planned for specific areas, it's worked in
some other areas of Europe and we certainly need something to control
the Deer.
-- Regards Bob Hobden Posting to this Newsgroup from the W.of London. UK
In all the comment, there has been very little about the predator/prey
If there are a lot of prey, then the predators breed and expand because of
an "unlimited" food supply.
At some point the number of predators rises enough that they no longer
have a guaranteed food supply and they compete for the remaining prey.
The prey population drops dramatically because they are being over
predated/consumed, and then the predators starve and die off in turn.
The pressure is then off the prey, who start to breed again and expand in
Rinse and repeat.
However in one part of the cycle you have a large number of starving
predators with little or no natural prey - this is always assuming that
the Lynx is a good little wild pussy and only preys on the deer you are
hoping to control.
[Having seen a black fallow deer very recently, anything that can tackle
that can tackle most farm animals and domestic pets.]
So before championing the return of Lynx and wolves you have to be very
sure that when they are over populated and starving they will not be a
threat to farm animals, domestic pets (including small ponies), and humans
of small stature and tender years.
Unless, of course, you are prepared to actively cull the excess population
of predators. Which does have some similarity to culling the deer.
In my limited experience, introducing one species to directly control
another species usually has unexpected/unintended side effects. Predators
adapt to the available prey, not just to the one you want reduced.
Then again, why not ask New Zealand if they would like some free Lynx.
I understand that they have major problems with wild deer as well as wild
boar and opossums. I'm sure they would be very grateful for the gift.
Dave R
Windows 8.1 on PCSpecialist box