Lynx reintroduction
On Sun, 03 May 2015 13:26:47 +0100, Phil Cook wrote:
It is probably that the people unthinkingly provoke the animal by
cornering it or getting between it and its young.
Or appearing *to the animal* to be a threat to its young.
Maybe we ought to ban cows and calves from grazing in fields? There
are many cases of people being killed by cows when the people behave
stupidly near them.
Animals don't "just attack"(*). They'll be giving signs of some sort
that they ain't happy and you'd better back off. Trouble is many are
now so detached from the natural world that they don't recognise the
Oooo, look at that nice doggy showing me his teeth, here nice doggy
lets have a look at those lovely teeth. OW, WTF! The bloody thing
just bit me!
(*) Unless they see the target as prey and about the only animal that
really views humans as "prey" is the Tiger.