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Old 23-04-2015, 11:43 PM posted to rec.gardens
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default Can I get tomato plants from seeds of store-bought tomatoes?

Brooklyn1 wrote:
Fungus with nightshades is a result of wet leaves over night. When
needed water in the AM and not the plant, water the ground only...
tomatoes are best watered with buried soaker hoses, never overhead
watering. Tomatoes also benefit from good aeration, do not crowd. I'm
fortunate in that my vegetable garden is situated alongside a small
natural spring, I plant tomatoes closest to the spring, I never need
to water as that ground is always ideally moist.

can't keep the fog/dew off the plants here.
overhead watering happens only very rarely
(when it's really hot and the plants stop
setting fruit) and usually they are dry again
pretty quickly.

last year was wet consistently enough that i
don't recall ever spraying the tomatoes at all
or even doing much watering (maybe twice the
whole summer).
