blinking mice
2 years ago the mice got into the seed, completely eating several trays
of rare maple seed (from the Maple Society) that had been left outside to
stratify naturally in seed trays. Now I keep my seed in the bottom of
the fridge, much to the family's dismay.
This year I had 40 Acer davidii (snakebark maple) seedlings on a shelf in
an unheated room, along with many other maples that might prove a bit
tender. The mice ate all 36 davidiis on the lower shelf, stripped the
bark on some, bit off others at the base, etc. They also killed all 5 A.
crataegifolium seedlings, 2 variegated, I had from last year which hurts
more than the davidiis although as you might imagine 36 1/2 litre
seedlings represents quite a lot of work. They damaged some other
seedlings including an A. rubescens (species), a rare maple that was a
gift from a friend in the Society.
Well, that's my rant for the day. Bl**dy mice.
Gardening in Lower Normandy