Small Holdings in Spain
Steve Newport wrote in message
Can anybody point me to websites, or does anybody have comments on
running small holdings in Southern Spain?
The sort of questions I am looking to answer are;
What crops/animals can do best in that environment? (With a small
holder in mind)
cycled through the area once.
Goats and outdoor tomatoes seemed popular.
A lot of what we would regard as greenhouse crops were grown outside,
but depends on water.
Where do I find what local regulations I would need to adhere to?
They will mainly be EU regulations. There will be planning and land
ownership laws of course, try the local Spanish Embassy?
How easy is it to sell to local markets?
god alone knows
How easy is it to export to the UK?
well UK supermarkets will buy any rubbish so long as its cheap.
Economics probably depends on your level of output but with regard
regulations, if it is up to Spanish interpretation of EU regs, it is
legal in the UK.
Jim Webster
"The pasture of stupidity is unwholesome to mankind"
'Abd-ar-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Khaldun al-Hadrami'