On 01/03/2015 18:06, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sun, 01 Mar 2015 15:40:23 +0000, Malcolm Race
On 01/03/2015 09:51, Judith in England wrote:
I have previously used this successfully to prevent damping off on tomato
I was looking to buy some more - but I cannot see it is available now.
My seedlings have just come through: fortunately I have enough Cheshunt
Compound left for a few waterings - but I am looking for a good alternative.
Any recommendations please?
The last time I looked for this I found Traditional Copper Fungicide
which seemed to the same job successfully. A varity made by Murphe is
available from Amazon
That is only one result from a google search
Er..."currently unavailable" !
If you look at muy second post I realised that on a second reading. If
you follow the HSE link on that page yo will see that it is still
probably approved