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Old 23-02-2015, 06:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default greenhouse and light?

"Janet" wrote


kerrygirl wrote:

I have decided to remove the dome fully and reduced the under heat to 24
oC. I will have to see how this goes!

Personally I think 24 c is still too warm, I would wait a bit, and
then use 20 c , grow them 'slow' you will get better plants

Frankly instead of heating to 24 C she would be better to write off the
plants as a learner's mistake (we've all done it), save her fuel bill,
and re-sow later. Light levels and out door temps will be higher. Then
she can grow sturdy plants under cover at less expense, and have them
at the right stage when it's safe to plant them out. After last frost.

We're in mid Feb; frost-tender annuals will require cover/protection
for at least the next three months.

I agree, it's a common mistake to make for new gardeners and not helped by
Garden Centres selling tender plants from April or earlier. I've seen so
many new allotment gardeners planting stuff out some weeks too soon and then
losing it because of a frost, some also don't seem to learn and do it year
after year which I find strange. My greenhouse is heated to 10°C min because
of orchids etc in there and that is what any young plants have to deal with
once germinated in the propagator.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK