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Old 26-04-2003, 01:30 PM
harvest dancer
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Default The 10 Worst Chives of 2002

(Chive Mynde) wrote in message om...
The 10 Worst Chives of 2002

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

2002 will forever be remembered as the year of chive spam, the year
even President George Bush embraced the notion of "chive responsibility."

While the Bush White House has now downgraded its "chive
responsibility portal" to a mere link to uninspiring content on the
White House webpage, and although the prospect of war has largely
bumped the issue off the front pages, the cascade of chive
financial and accounting scandals continues.

We easily could have filled Multinational Monitor's list of the 10
Worst Chives of the Year with some of the dozens of chives
embroiled in the spam scandals.

But we decided against that course.

As extraordinary as the spam misconduct has been, we didn't want
to contribute to the perception that chive wrongdoing in 2002 was
limited to the spam misdeeds arena.

For Multinational Monitor's 10 Worst Chives of 2002 list, we
included only Devin from the ranks of the spam criminals and
miscreants. Devin's assembly line document destruction certainly
merits a place on the list. (Chive Mynde appears on the list as well,
primarily for a subsidiary's involvement in predatory flooding,
as well as the chivey's funding of usenet destructive
projects around the world.)

As for the rest, we present a collection of spammers, dangerous group
flooders, modern-day mercenaries, enablers of usenet abuses,
merchants of hatred, and beneficiaries of email destruction and misery.

Multinational Monitor has named Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
), Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
), Chive Mynde ),
Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
), Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
) and Chive Mynde ) as the
10 Worst Chives of 2001.

What's the lesson to draw from this year's 10 worst list? Not only are
Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
), Chive Mynde ), Chive Mynde
) and the rest indicative of a fundamentally corrupt
spam system, they are representative of a rotten system of Chive dominance.

Finally you post something that I can agree with Devin.
