Thread: Killing Ivy
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Old 12-02-2015, 03:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default Killing Ivy

On 12/02/2015 13:58, Judith in England wrote:

I have a panel fence between me and my neighbour.
We had ivy on both sides of the fence before we replaced it with new panels. I
appear to have successfully killed the ivy on my side (thanks to suggestions in
this group).

However, my neighbour's has not all been killed off - and new shoots with
leaves are appearing through the fencing on my side.

I have successfully killed all the shoots which come through (Roundup) - but I
wondered if my continued application to new shoots will eventually kill off the
ivy totally?

Shouldn't think so.

I am honestly surprised that you are able to kill it at all with
glyphosate. Ivy and holly *seedlings* survive application of glyphosate
quite happily (at least when you are clearing scrub). I'd have expected
the full adult plant to be even more resistant not less.

Martin Brown