"Charlie Pridham" wrote in message
"Michael Bell" wrote in message
. uk...
I have to trap airborme pollen for a project. I have a battery-
powered blower (quite a high volume) but how should I trap the pollen
and apply it to the stamen?
One possibility to use a Dyson vacuum cleaner "root cyclone". It
"ought" to work for pollen of 20 - 25 microns diameter.
Another possibility is to trap the pollen NOT on a "HEPA" filter,
which is far too fine, but on one of the other filters which go with
Dysons - there is a confusing variety of them and some of them are
"washable" And wash the pollen off the filter using water with *very
little Fairy liquid* and put it onto the stamens.
Somehow, I twitch at that! But is this rational? Pollen can't be
killed by water. Surely, it will be OK?
Is there any knowledge of these things?
Michael Bell
Michael, I have always assumed that the process needs to be dry, but now
you have brought the subject up, I can't see why either, but before you
waste a lot of time and effort I should try and get a better opinion! I
will ask around for you.
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs
OK Michael here are the responses I have had from two friends with a better
grasp of Botany than me.
"I think it depends on the genus.
Pollen suspension is commercial for pollinating date palms for example.
What genus is being asked about?"
"An interesting Genus, and there is academic work on it.
I think the issue in temperate climates is that the carrier liquid will not
evaporate off very fast and may interfere with stigma receptivity.
A quick 'Google Academic' search finds this paper
which will include details of how they did their controlled pollinations.
Now all your friend needs is a way to get hold of the whole paper!
And finally
"There is a second issue. Pollen of many species reacts badly to water.
Osmotic pressure swells the cells until they burst. Wouldn't it be easier to
collect dry pollen?"
Sorry about the black background but I can't seem to change it
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs