"David Hill" wrote in message
On 01/02/2015 11:15, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Charlie Pridham wrote:
The choice of evergreen hardy climbers is (sadly) limited, your best bet
would be something like Vinca planted at the top as it is happy to
evergreen, hardy, easy, cheap and flowers over a long season go for one
the Vinca majus cultivars.
Limited is an understatement; in the colder areas of the UK, it
means just Hedera helix; in most of the UK, it means that and
H. colchica; only in the warmer areas are there any others.
Here in Cambridge, there are several other hardy 'evergreen'
climbers, but none are reliably evergreen. Clematis armandii
does pretty well, and Lonicera henryi even better, but I can't
call them either reliably hardy or reliably evergreen. All of
the other 'evergreen' ones I grow are effectively deciduous.
Nick Maclaren.
Lonicera Henryi Never, I have it growing over 30 ft up into an oak tree,
and the OP only wants 1m in height.
There is always Euonymus fortunei which against a wall becomes a climbing
I think that the planting space is at the top of the wall, in a milder place
I would have suggested one of the trailing Rosemarys, its very hard to get
climbing plants to trail, and most are if at all happy much to vigorous.
I think the suggestion someone made to go with summer hanging basket type
planting is a good shout, but I do have a soft spot for Vinca (and it is
hardy and evergreen)
Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs