What to lay for walking on shady wet clay area
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01-02-2015, 06:29 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
Posts: 215
What to lay for walking on shady wet clay area
In article ,
I would really appreciate some advice. We have a long sloping garden in
North London that slopes down (about 4ft difference in height from top
to bottom of 100ft garden).
The area ends under a huge oak tree just past our back fence. The
ground is very squelchy, being clay soil, and we have an area of approx
20ft by 30ft that we would like some kind of 'floor covering' to make it
easier to walk over and put a trampoline on. It gets tonnes of oak
leaves and twiggy bits falling there too. We also have two dogs.
We can't pave as not allowed to affect tree roots.
Does anyone have any ideas please? Gravel?? Sub base??
I'd use a thick layer of coarse wood chips which look natural and the
dead leaves will just meld in. Pleasant and clean to walk on or for
dogs to play on. Over many years the chips will get trodden into the mud
but are easily topped up. Safe for a trampoline area, and for dogs.
Also, cheap to buy and reasonably light to barrow around.
If you enquire ar a sawyard or tree surgeon you'll probably be able
to buy them in cubic metre bags, delivered. Otherwise, any DIY shed.
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