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Old 31-01-2015, 11:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Default Vines for 1m high wall

"NewGarden" wrote in message

Hi. New to the forum. We've recently moved into a new build house with
a garden. After both of us living in flats our entire lives, this is our
first ever garden. We are based in Edinburgh in a Northish facing

The space is app 18x14 metres but part of this is taken up by a garden
room. There is an app 2m slope over the 14m from the house to fence

We have a landscaper in at the moment building a retaining wall for a
patio that will come off the back of the house. The patio area is large.
6m wide. Worried we've made an error and it's too big but my other half
assures me it's perfect.

The retaining wall will be app 1m high.

We want to grow evergreen vine over this wall to help it blend in and
give the illusion of an extended green area. Does anyone have any
suggestions on a vine that will keep its colour and foliage all year
round, will be ok with a 1 metre high wall that stretches about 5
metres? Worried about root systems damaging the foundation over time as
well as the wall. The wall will is shade a lot of the year.

The landscaper is putting in a garden bed on top of the retaining wall
app 20cm inches in and 20cm wide which will sit just flush with the
patio to aid in water run off and create a visible boarder to try & stop
people falling or jumping off onto the lawn. He suggested planting
crawling vines in here as well to grown down the wall. Any suggestions
on what to use here? Low lying and shallow root systems.

I think I made an error and posted this a few days ago in the wrong
section. I went to 'gardening' but replies were from America. My error.
Specifically chose a site to get uk advice. I read the uk site
rules a few minutes ago and the FAQs link goes to a dead page, so I'm
really sorry if a post on vines is available there. If so, happy for
someone just to point me in that direction for self help.



The choice of evergreen hardy climbers is (sadly) limited, your best bet
would be something like Vinca planted at the top as it is happy to trail,
evergreen, hardy, easy, cheap and flowers over a long season go for one of
the Vinca majus cultivars.

Most climbers will try and grow back up, and would also require a lot more
root space than has been allowed for

I took this picture this winter

Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs