Vines for a 1m high wall
On Wed, 28 Jan 2015 09:08:40 +0100, NewGarden
Hi. We've recently moved into a new build house with a garden. After
both of us living in flats our entire lives, this is our first ever
The space is app 18x14 metres but part of this is taken up by a garden
room. There is an app 2m slope over the 14m from the house to fence
We have a landscaper in at the moment building a retaining wall for a
patio that will come off the back of the house. The patio area is large.
6m of the 14m we have. The size kept me awake last night now that I see
the foundation bricks in.
The lawn will slope away from the house subtly to allow for drainage.
The retaining wall will be app 1m high.
We want to grow evergreen vine over this wall to help it blend in and
give the illusion of an extended green area. Does anyone have any
suggestions on a vine that've eps colour and foliage all year round,
will be ok with a 1 metre high wall that stretches about 5 metres?
Worried about root systems damaging the foundation over time as well as
the wall.
The landscaper is putting in a garden bed on top of the retaining wall
app 8 inches in and 8 inches wide which will sit just flush with the
patio to aid in water run off and create a visible boarder to try & stop
people falling off. He suggested planting crawling vines in here as well
to grown down the wall. Any suggestions on what to use here? Low lying
and shallow root systems.
Blue rug juniper works well, so does pachysandra