Poor scent
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25-01-2015, 06:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,026
Poor scent
On 2015-01-23 15:17:25 +0000, Janet said:
In article ,
On 23/01/15 09:53, Sacha wrote:
A customer came in yesterday who said that, no matter what she bought,
or where, scented plants seem always to lose their scent once she gets
them into her garden. Even her Daphne bholura 'Jacqueline Postill' is
poorly scented. She says friends have said the same of their gardens
and have been told it's because of the time of soil they have. Warmth
makes no difference, apparently. Has anyone else experience of this,
or heard of soil making a difference to scent?
I can't say I've found many plants that are not scented in my garden,
but are scented elsewhere. I do wonder if multiple vegetative
propagation might weaken some plants in certain ways, which might
include scent, but that would not be a garden-specific change.
I do find it hard to believe that in one particular garden normally
scented plants are not scented.
OTOH many people seem to have little awareness of how much location,
aspect exposure and density of planting affect plant performance. In a
sunny sheltered garden, where the air is still, scents will be more
noticeable. In an exposed windy garden they may be barely perceptible
until you cut flowers and take them indoors.
I've often noticed in nurseries that where there are masses of one
plant all in full flower, sheer volume of flowers makes the scent almost
overwhelming and attracts customers from yards around, a great selling
point but far more concentrated than one small purchase will produce in
its new home.
This customer wasn't only comparing how things smell in a Nursery or
garden centre but also how her plants and those of some of her friends,
perform compared to other plants in the gardens of other friends.
There, they are grown singly and not for a sales display. She's an
experienced gardener and is well aware of the difference warmth, air
currents, etc. will make and is talking of her plants bought over
several years.
South Devon
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