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Old 21-01-2015, 04:05 PM posted to
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default Lawn Wet and Grass dying

Bob F wrote:
songbird wrote:
Bob F wrote:
Have you fertilized it? Added lime to neutralize acidity. Acid soil
will make it harder for the grass to utilize what fertilizer is
there, and moss prefers acidic soils.

i've got moss growing in the middle of
crushed limestone in some areas around here.

I did use the word "prefers"

yep. still much better to actually deal with the
problems than to try to paper over it by spreading stuff.
we don't know if the grass is dying off from the tree or
what. no amount of lime is going to correct that situation.

the OP's post reflects common construction practices and
we're not sure if that is what's going on (sod over very
poor subsoil and perhaps a drainage/leveling problem). it
could also be a sign of other issues (light, traffic,
compaction, water flow removing organic materials, removing
clippings, ...). so many unknowns...
