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Old 20-01-2015, 08:55 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_8_] Ophelia[_8_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 294
Default ping Spider (starlings)

"Spider" wrote in message
On 20/01/2015 11:12, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Ophelia wrote:
"Spider" wrote in message

I think I will stick with my dog)

Ah, but spiders don't bark, you don't have to walk them, they don't
the neighbours/bite the postman *and* their poo doesn't smell:~))

Mine is very smelly atm. She has a bad tum and she is going back to
vet this afternoon. The meds she was given last week haven't made any
difference, so it will be blood tests etc

The mind boggles. How many vets are prepared to treat or capable
of treating spiders?

Nick Maclaren.

I suspect there are a few but, most of the time, owners take on their own
'repair' work. I never had to do it, but Superglue is recommended for
patching up spiders whose skin is torn.
I did hear of a case once where, following a house fire, the owners
introduced their tarantulas to the firemen because of smoke inhalation.
The spiders were very sick. One of the firemen put his b.a. mask over
each spider until it was fully revived.

Oh my!
