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Old 20-01-2015, 08:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
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Default Got a chrismas present

"Spider" wrote in message
On 19/01/2015 21:08, Ophelia wrote:

"Christina Websell" wrote in message
of a birdie thing that you hang a fat ball from a hook. so I did.
Squirrel came, nibbled through the net it was hanging from and ate the
I've modified it.

If that is the green netting stuff your fat ball was in, you need to
speak to Spider!

Spider speaking! Indeed, Tina, if it was green netting which aided the
hanging of your fat ball, then the squirrel did you and your birds a
favour. A bird's tongue can get caught in the netting and cause terrible
injury. The bird usually dies of dehydration/starvation, whichever comes
first. I've handled a bird fatally mutilated by netting and it wasn't
very pleasant.
I do hope you continue to use fatballs, but remove any netting first.
There are cages and the like to suspend the balls in so the birds can feed
safely. Perhaps you could even make your own with fairly open wire
netting, say 1" or more holes.

I hung a fatball cage I already had from the hook as a modifier. To be fair
it was a present from Germany where they don't have grey squirrels and not a
lot feed the birds.

I note your concerns about netting on fatballs and will now remove it before
I offer fatballs again.