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Old 20-01-2015, 11:06 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Default Britains Best Back Gardens , bamboo care

"Janet" wrote in message
In article ,

"Janet" wrote in message

I've been enjoying this ITV series.

Recently, presenter AT made some throwaway remark about "cleaning
(foliage off) the lower stems of his bamboo".

I've never done that to mine (or heard of it before) but it would
certainly show off the stems and high foliage to advantage.

??? Any experience or tips?


I do this to all mine just use secateurs to take off every thing below a
certain height, means you can have evergreen height and still look
to what ever is beyond or just enjoy the stems (culms)

that's just what I want

this is one of mine in the background taken last year in Feb

Thanks Charlie.. nice jungle :-) what's that nice chunky yellow stem
one? Mine is yellow but much skinnier culms

Is it okay to do the whole trim
at once, and in winter? Or should I stagger it?


That Bamboo is Phyllastachys vivax aureocaulis, and I do mine and all the
others when ever I have time or spot it needs doing, Bamboo are so vigorous
that slowing them down a bit does no harm, I probably wouldn't start doing
it until the plant was well established and throwing up new culms.

I have around 9 different bamboos here but vivax aureocaulis is a favourite
(although at 30 feet its not the biggest) and I have it in 3 different
places it can however be badly behaved like this one I thought safely
contained in a concrete planting bed
Now trying to break the walls down!
I think Bamboo is best planted where you can get all around the plant with a
mattock and saw!

Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs