Everlasting sweet peas
"Chris Hogg" wrote
A good few years ago I...er....acquired some seed from a pink L.
latifolius that was growing in a garden hedge adjacent to a road I
used to walk along regularly. They produced both white and pink
varieties. The white one has since died out, but the pink one comes up
every year and scrambles about in a shrub border and hedge behind, and
gets stripped out in late autumn after it's died back. Very attractive
Do you think one would do well climbing up a camellia tree? How tall will it
reach? I could give it something to scramble up until it gets to the
branches but the trouble may be it's not in a sunny position, sun first and
last thing but the top of the camellia (about 15ft) does get more sun.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK