Snow and Snowdrops
"Martin" wrote in message
On Wed, 14 Jan 2015 14:40:37 -0000, Roger Tonkin
After a very snowy and frosty day yesterday, a quick wander
round the garden (more like a mud field in places) revealed
that as well as lying snow, the snowdrops are just about open -
flower buds full length white and beginning to burst. Despite
the weather, they seem to be much earlier here than usually
February is normally snowdrop time up here.
February is the normal time for my sniwdrops to bloom here in SE England,
but they have already started over a week ago, while some are still pushing
up through the soil. It's been one of those strange winters with ine of my
shrubs (Escallonia laevis ) normally in flowering in midummer, in bloom
now. Never seen that happen before.