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Old 12-01-2015, 01:40 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_8_] Ophelia[_8_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 294
Default ping Spider (starlings)

"David" wrote in message


Sorry but I can well do without them.
For several years they prevented me feeding the birds here.
We had a large council tip around 3 miles or so in a straight flight line
away from us.
If you put any food out then a few starling scouts would see and come in
to investigate, that would trigger the swarm at the tip and in a very few
minutes there would be a couple of hundred of the things hoovering up
anything edible.
Where was the sparrow hawk when you needed him.

OH! This is the first time we have had starlings and I have been so

It was the closing of the tip and the resulting decline of the swarm that
enabled me to start feeding.
I didn't mind providing bed, breakfast and evening meal to a hundred or so
sparrows, as they left the feeders clear during the day for the other

We have feeding tube thingies with seeds from which the wee birds are
feeding. and other birds are eating the fat blocks in various trees and
bushes. I haven't noticed the starlings bothering them. Ought I to be on
the look out??
