Thread: Buying Netting
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Old 26-11-2014, 03:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
harryagain[_2_] harryagain[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2013
Posts: 17
Default Buying Netting

"Bob Minchin" wrote in message
john t west wrote:
Am putting up a fruit cage 8ft long x 6ft wide x 6ft high, for someone
at their allotment.

And I'm confronted by a bewildering array of different types of netting
available. Also confusingly, I've seen advised; using a 'different
netting' for the roof, than for the sides of the cage.

Can anyone advise from 'where' I can buy a * reasonably-priced * netting
please. Thanks.

I have a similar project planned for next spring.
I've been advised to use galvanised 1/2" mesh for the sides but a fabric
or light plastic for the roof because birds don't like landing on it as it
is not stable. If they don't land they are most unlikely to shit on the

Looking for the wire mesh, seem to be amongst the
cheapest. Several other sources on ebay.
I've not looked for the fabric net yet but "pond netting" has been
suggested to me.

I have a netted cage.
Timber frame, plastic net.
I was hoping to keep cabbage white butterflies out.
But they can squeeze through a hole less than 10mm square.

Very hard to keep small birds out too.
My main problem was pigeons.

I have dug old sheet metal into the ground to keep out moles.