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Old 18-11-2014, 10:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
FrankB FrankB is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2013
Posts: 65
Default Half Hardy Salvia

"Charlie Pridham" wrote in message

"FrankB" wrote in message
I have a Salvia Patens. I've heard cinflicting advice as to overwintering
them. Some say dig them up before first frost and store them like

Don't dig rhem up, but cover crown with 3" mulch or dead leaves.Would

be enough to protect them if the temp fell consistently below freezing

night over the winter? What would happen if we get a few weeksa of


It is very difficult to predict the survival of the tuberous type Salvias,
it seems to be a combination of wet and cold that gets them, I have known
them survive very hard frost in the ground and die in a dank greenhouse at
+5 (I have also seen them die at virtually frost free conditions outside)
best advice is to take cuttings each year (these seem more cold tolerant)
and they are also easy from seed so its worth harvesting some of that. You
are probably too late for either this year!

So it would seem that a combination of wet or damp and near freezing
conditions would kill them off if left in the ground. I think I'll dig them
uo and keep them on the dry side in a dark garage during the winter, ie
literally treat them as dahlias and see whether that works out. According to
what I've read ot seems to be the one way of virtually guaranteeing their