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Old 17-11-2014, 07:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris French Chris French is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2009
Posts: 22
Default Lawn replacement

In message , Toby Jones
We've had two large conifers removed from an area of lawn, and are
wondering what to do with it.

The lawn hasn't done too well in recent years - the conifers have sucked the
life out of the area so that only moss thrives. The moss has been killed
off with mosskiller, so we mostly have a black 'lawn'. It's about 50m^2.
The stumps have been ground, but there are no doubt surface roots still
there. It faces south.

Had a quote in the region of GBP1000-1300 (depending on options) to take
4-6" of soil off, lay mushroom compost, then turf on top. This involves
digger hire etc, and seems expensive.

Was wondering if there's any better suggestions for reviving some unhappy
lawn? Would rotavating it with fertiliser and sowing seed be feasible? How
long would that take to take hold? It doesn't need to be instant, but we
don't want it to look like a muddy field in the spring.

Is it too late to do anything this year? Any other suggestions?

I would try to avoid rotavating it. It will then be quite a bit of work
to get it levelled and firm again.

Feeding etc. has already been mentioned. I'd be tempted to sow some seed
on the more sparse areas. It's rather late really, but if we have
another mild winter who knows, it might germinate. If not you can always
do it again (or as well) in the spring

Probably worth scarifying with a lawn rake first.
Chris French