Garlic shelf life
"Gary Woods" wrote
"Bob Hobden" wrote:
The trouble is a lot of the GCs are now stocking IOW garlic as seed garlic
and the IOW is on chalk whereas we are on acid clay which is probably the
reason that any IOW garlic I've tried has not done well
So the guiding principle is the same as on this side of the pond: Buy your
seed garlic from somebody as close to you as possible. For the more
economical of us: buy just a couple of bulbs, separate, plant, grow your
own seed stock. In a couple of years you'll have all you need, and not
have wasted time/space on varieties that aren't good in your spot.
Some varieties I grow store from harvest in late August until early spring
of the next year. They're stored in a cool dry cellar pantry; not an
actual root cellar, which would likely be too cold.
Our problem with using our own garlic to replant is that we have White Rot
on our plot so I'm a bit nervous about replanting any of the onion family.
Without that problem I certainly would replant our own Garlic and Shallots
each year.
-- Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK